A Trichological Approach To Post Covid Hair Loss

A Trichological Approach To Post Covid Hair Loss

E. Carolin Praba, Chairman, VCARE GROUP, Certified Trichologist, World Trichology Society, USA. Mukundan Satyanarayanan, Chief Executive Officer, VCARE GROUP, B.Tech, Dip (Naturopathy), Dip (Aromatherapy).

Society has been witnessing a huge hair fall issue in the last year. This is quite specific for the people who got affected by Covid.

Is Hairfall unavoidable aftereffect of Covid 19?


Yes. Hairfall is an unavoidable aftereffect of Covid 19. Not only hair fall, dandruff, other scalp disorders, baldness, patchy hair loss and even grey hair can be an aftereffect of Covid 19. However, effective trichological treatments can control this and protect you from severe hair disorders.

Covid 19 is a viral infection associated with respiratory issues. It has even led to conditions like multiple organ failures. Generally, even a normal viral fever can cause temporary hair fall.

We have already seen definitive cases of hair fall, in the case of dengue, chikungunya, etc. In the same manner, Covid 19, as a viral infection, will also cause moderate to severe hair fall. The hair follicles go into a state of dormancy to protect themselves. This leads to a temporary hair fall known as Telogen Effluvium.

Oxygen is a very important requirement for the follicle cells to multiply and promote hair growth. In case of severe respiratory complications, the oxygen saturation levels in the blood (Sp O2) goes down. This affects cell multiplication and cell renewal in hair follicles, leading to hair fall.

Covid 19 can create a steady-state inflammation in the hair follicles. It can even impact the circulation of blood to the hair follicle. This can lead to the onset of a condition called Androgenetic Alopecia, the permanent form of hair loss.

Patchy hair loss is created by a condition known as an autoimmune disorder. The viral infection and the subsequent health conditions like respiratory complexities can act as a trigger for autoimmunity. Because of autoimmunity, people can even lose the entire hair from their bodies.

Steroids like dexamethasone are used for Covid 19 treatments. Similarly, Remdesivir was also extensively used. Both these medications can create a negative impact on the liver.

There is a strong connection between liver health and hair quality. Liver impairment can lead to temporary hair loss, patchy hair loss and most importantly, grey hair.

Low Immunity levels can lead to scalp disorders like dandruff, seborrhea, ringworm, etc.

This is how; Covid 19 can have a very serious impact on your hair.

How to prevent or control post-Covid hair loss?

To be honest, post-Covid hair loss cannot be wholly prevented. But the effects can be minimized, and your hair can be saved. Stay tuned for more updates on post-Covid hair loss.

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