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How VCare Helped Srinivas Regrow His Hair In 3 Months?

Srinivas is someone who is passionate about dance, fitness, and helping others achieve their health and wellness goals. The genuine love for Zumba the energy and enthusiasm it brings to the class are quite infectious.

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How Did Vcare Reverse Soundararajan’s Baldness?

Early baldness is not just about losing hair; it is a direct hit to one’s confidence. And in most cases, genetics is the reason to blame. But why should one let family history dictate their hair story? Out of the countless individuals grappling with male pattern baldness was Soundararajan, a 27-year-old who chose a different path.

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8 Best Hair Growth Supplements That You’re Unaware Of

Be it short or long, straight or curly, thin or thick, hair is the most important accessory we cherish. Your hair could say a lot about your health.

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What Is Prp Hair Treatment, And How Is It Done?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment for hair loss is a three-step therapy, which includes drawing a person’s blood, processing it, and injecting it into the scalp.

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Top 10 Pros And Cons Of Hair Transplantation

Baldness is not a predominant age phenomenon. Hair transplantation is one of the most preferred treatments by people. Not only women, men too face this issue.

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Everything You Need To Know About Hair Thinning: Causes And Treatments

Losing strands of hair while combing your hair or washing it is a common experience. But when hair loss causes hair receding and the parts of the scalp start to show up, you need to be alarmed. If you are experiencing hair problems,

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Top Benefits Of Undergoing Stem Cell Therapy For Hair At VCare

A standard hair transplant and stem cell therapy are similar procedures. However, a stem cell hair transplant takes a small sample of skin from which hair follicles are taken,

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7 Winter Hair Care Tips To Never Miss

Winter season normally calls to be wrapped in a cosy blanket with a cup of hot coffee and a wonderful book to get lost in. But while you’re deeply immersed and satisfied in the book you read, you are ignorant of what winter does to your hair.

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Hair Styling Mistakes To Avoid For A Healthy Hair

Here’s to knowing why hair styling in a proper way is necessary for a longer, healthier hair. Should you be worried about the clumps of hair falling on your floor? Or double up and do something to make your hair thick and healthy?

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Is Hair Loss Or Alopecia Stressing You Out?

Hair loss (Alopecia) can trigger your senses in a way you would have never expected. Losing all your hair suddenly for which even a proper reason is not identifiable can undeniably worsen any person.

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Dealing With Premature White Hair In The Early 20s?

Premature white hair in your 20s can really turn you off. White hair styling has become sassy enough to steal the crowd’s attention. But getting them at a very young age is disappointing.

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Pcos Hair Loss - Symptoms, Causes And Solutions

You would have often heard women with PCOS complaining about acne issues and excess facial hair growth. But in contrast, there is also another story to the concern. While excess facial hair growth is a symptom, PCOS hair loss is another.

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How VCare Helped Srinivas Regrow His Hair In 3 Months?

Srinivas is someone who is passionate about dance, fitness, and helping others achieve their health and wellness goals. The genuine love for Zumba the energy and enthusiasm it brings to the class are quite infectious.

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Scalp Psoriasis Vs Dandruff

Dandruff and scalp psoriasis is often confused with being called the same. But the truth is that scalp psoriasis is a much more severe condition than dandruff.

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Hair Rejuvenation Therapy - The Summer Haircare Essential

Our scalp becomes more prone to dandruff and scalp disorders during extreme heat and extreme cold. Or even when we sweat, there are chances of infection that will cause irresistible itching and embarrassment.

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Biocell – The Magic Potion To Revive, Restore And Rejuvenate Your Hair

Did you know that a plant called Argan exists and is absolutely a treat in itself to the scalp and hair follicles?

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Hair Growth - Eat These Top 8 Foods For A Lustrous Hair

Hair growth has the highest potential to turn on one’s happiness. To keep hair hail and healthy, people rely on numerous techniques like styling, over caring.

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Hair Care - Top 8 Trending Myths Busted

Hair care is becoming more of an emotional attribute in our lives. A minor defect in hair will cause the biggest frown easily. And very often, we go by rules and myths to protect hair that never even justifies the “Why”!

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Platelet - Rich Plasma: Treatment For Hair Thinning And Diffused Hair Loss

Platelet-rich plasma is an effective procedure that responds well to people facing hair fall concerns performed by various trichologists worldwide.

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Answered: Top 11 Commonly Asked Hair fall Questions

Hair replacement is a solace procedure for people who worry about having a bald head. Also, it’s important to highlight that cosmetic hair replacement is the last stop.

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What Is Hair Replacement?

Hair replacement is a solace procedure for people who worry about having a bald head. Also, it’s important to highlight that cosmetic hair replacement is the last stop.

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Hair Health - Simple Lifestyle Habits For Wonders

Hair health is crucial to be aware of one’s overall body condition. A healthy hair scalp comprises around 100,000 hairs, with approximately 50 – 100 strands shedding each day.

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8 Hair Foods - Essentials For A Winning Hair

Despite applying topical treatments to nourish hair growth and maintain good hair health, the foods ,thickness, and volume of our hair. The quality of hair growth depends on various factors, one of them being our nutrition intake.

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A Trichological Approach To Post Covid Hair Loss

E.Carolin Praba, Chairman VCARE GROUP,Certified Trichologist, World Trichology Society, USA. Mukundan Satyanarayanan,CEO, VCARE GROUP, B.Tech, Dip(Naturopathy),Dip(Aromatherapy)

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Baldness: Male Pattern Face It Before You Lose It

“Baldness – The outcry of many adults”, Isn’t it? Isn’t this a common problem where men face hair fall and slowly baldness at a very early phase, right between 25-35?

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Female Pattern Baldness Know All About It

Hair flips, high ponytail, cutting hair short, colouring as we need, and what else we have not tried with our lustrous hair. The difference is that, women start to lose hair in a manner right from their partition, called female pattern baldness

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Activated Follicular Transplant (Aft)

Ask a hundred men how they feel about their bald look; only a handful would accept how they look, and others will be hunting for alternative solutions like hair transplantation, wigs to cure baldness.

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Dandruff - Do You Know What It Does To Your Hair?

If there’s one thing common throughout all seasons, with no second thought, it will be dandruff. And the never-ending agitation it leaves on one.

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Dandruff Trouble? Effective Treatments For A Clear Scalp

The condition of dandruff may be extremely disappointing for the amount of ill-effects it leaves upon us. But there are numerous ways to prevent and control the damage it does to our scalp.

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Men, Lets Talk About Beard Growth!

There are bread cravings that are vital for our health. And then there is beard growth which is crucial for a man to be “The Man”. Funny it sounds, doesn’t it? “Appearance rules the world” is a living example in our world.

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Know How Beard Transplantation And Beard Shaping Works!

Beard transplantation and beard shaping procedures are solid examples for “Every problem have its solution”. If you feel like I’m hyping, go ahead read this article and know the science behind it.

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Tips To Maintain Beard For The Perfect Grooming

Have you ever heard this saying, “Too many cooks spoil the broth”? If you have, probably this blog highlighting the tips to maintain a beard will make things more user friendly.

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