Hair Mineral Analysis

Hair analysis has been widely promoted to identify or monitor trace minerals and toxins in the body. VCare's Hair mineral analysis is an advanced test you can find only one in India. This procedure starts with the sample of a person's hair, which is taken from his head.

The hair strand is sent to our high tech laboratory for measurement of its mineral content. This discussion concerns multi-elemental hair analysis in which a single test is used to determine values for many minerals simultaneously. This type of analysis used by analysts, who claim that hair analysis can help them diagnose a wide variety of health problems and can be used as the basis for prescribing supplements.

The most common measuring instrument today is ICP-mass spectrometer. It is a highly sophisticated hybrid, a computer-controlled machine costing several crores. It is not a "home or office unit". Any doctor who runs this test in his office is not using the same equipment and results may not be as accurate.

Mostly, the dissolved sample is burned at a high temperature. Each mineral gives off a characteristic spectrum or frequencies of light, which is picked up by sensitive detectors in the measuring instrument. Calibration and precise control of the flame temperature are essential to obtain accurate readings.

In India, VCare is amongst the renowned multi specialty chain of aesthetics to provide international standard hair mineral analysis test.

Measure the levels of essential minerals and toxic metals

  • Most precise method for hair diagnostics
  • Very crucial to identify
  • Hair Loss due to nutritional deficiencies
  • Hair Loss due to toxicity
  • HMA can predict the most accurate causes for hair loss
  • It can identify the physical disorders and mental conditions that can cause hair loss
  • Treatments based on “Hair Mineral Analysis” are more precise and they deliver the best results.
  • Requirement of additional nutritional supplementation and dietary corrections are identified.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can expect clean and more explicit scalp, hair regrowth and improved hair density, health and texture of hair.

It is equally effective for both men and women.

HRT is a lunchtime procedure, and it takes a maximum an hour for the procedure, and you can go back to your workplace immediately after the procedure.

It's non-allergic and suitable for all classes of people as it is acquired zero percent sensitization certification.

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