Follitreat Therapy

Stop hair fall and boost hair growth with VCare's most effective Follitreat therapy.

An adequate amount of hair fall caused by various reasons like hormonal influence, hereditary, autoimmune, nutritional disorder, environmental and psychological factors. When trying to treat it with online products and home remedies can damage your hair follicles and cause even more hair loss.

Follitreat therapy is the most advanced hair growth therapy to rejuvenate your hair. VCare’s signature follitreat therapy is one another stem cell based treatment of nano encapsulated liposome technology delivering the excellence of stem cells, korean red ginseng, olive leaf extract, growth factors to the hair root and reviving the dead root to life.Korean red ginseng is one of the most popular well known and a natural ingredient aimed at arresting baldness causing hormone, converts falling hair to growing hair, increases microcirculation while combing the effects of olive leaf extract bringing about lustrous thickened shafts. Proper procedures like scrubbing, vacuum, massage, ultrasonic, I Grow lasers, oxy jet, hair tonik spray, and high-frequency help the scalp to restructure its wound and starts the rejuvenation process immediately after the 1st sitting.

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Benefits Of Follitreat Therapy

Before & After Results

Photos Of Actual Clients

Check out the real images of our clients before and after the sessions of Follitreat Therapy at VCare.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our trichologist will examine the scalp and hair condition through microscopic analysis helps us to find the root cause of the problem.

It is equally effective for both men and women.

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