Green Peel ® - Harnessing The Power Of Natural Beauty

In search of a natural alternative to chemical peels? We are here with the world-renowned Green Peel® a herbal problem solver for skin issues. Green Peel® has harnessed the power of mother nature and formulated a powerful combination with all the right herbs.

This organic herbal facial peel is well-known across many countries for renewing skin in just 7 days. Being a potent herbal elixir, our Green Peel® treatment offers the combined benefits of up to six chemical peels.

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Benefits of Green Peel® Treatment in VCare

Who Needs Green Peel®?

Green Peel® is a versatile treatment suitable for various skin conditions, types and age groups. Its herbal-based formula works well with the skin's natural renewal process. This green herbal peel can be generally taken by all who want to upgrade their skincare regime, but can specifically help those who are:

  • Suffering from sun-damaged skin
  • Having sagging skin
  • Fighting with hyperpigmentation
  • Wanting to reduce their stretch marks and scars
  • Prone to pre-mature formation of wrinkles
  • Wanting to get rid of their impure skin and sebum cysts

Why Choose VCare Skin Clinics?

The supremacy of this green revolution has swept through many countries. And we at VCare have strived to bring home this natural goodness.

Sole Distributor of Green Peel® in India

Witnessing the power of this organic peel treatment and after extensively breaking down its formula, we believed this skin elixir should reach our people. We have brought the Green Peel® treatment to all our clinics, intending to let skin enthusiasts all over the country flaunt the power of natural herbs on their skin.

Tailored Treatment Intensity

After a thorough analysis of your skin type, sensitivity and tolerance, our skincare experts will adjust the intensity and duration of the treatment. Our personalised procedure will ensure that you achieve optimal results while minimising any discomfort. We will also provide specific home care products that suit your skin type and lock the peel's effects.

Uncompromised Safety

Our treatments are designed with your safety in mind. We have a powerful team of well-trained skincare experts who are masters in offering safe yet effective treatments. They will understand your concerns, hesitations and guide you throughout your skin transformation journey.

See it Happen

Being a game changer in the world of skincare, our Green Peel® treatment promises steadfast results in just 7 days. Its careful formulation with just the right herbs helps immediately remove the epidermis with dead skin cells and stimulates regeneration processes that accelerate its effectiveness compared to other treatments.

Testimonials That Spread Smiles

From powerful skin makeovers to triumphant skincare journeys, witness the change our Green Peel® treatment at VCare brought about in the lives of our clients.

Green Peel® treatment
Green Peel® treatment
Green Peel® treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

There are no severe side effects to Dr Schrammek Green Peel®. There will be a tingling and warm feeling on the skin for a few days post-treatment which is the working effect of herbs under the skin.

No, there might be a slight uncomfortableness during the herbal massage due to the abrasive effect of the herbs, but it is not generally regarded as a painful procedure.

It takes around 7 days for Indian skin types for the Green Peel® to work.

This is a normal reaction due to the effect of the herbs being massaged on your skin. The calming lotion applied by the expert post-treatment and using home care products will help calm the skin down.

The Green Peel® will better suit those looking for a natural alternative, but chemical peels are also effective and treat many skin concerns.

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