What is Hair Thinning?

Hair thinning is a condition characterised by a loss in the density of hair. This condition becomes easily noticeable when the partition widens.

Hair thinning occurs when the hair shaft grows thinner in diameter, which results in the growth of thinner hair. This is a serious issue that could lead to problems like severe hair loss and baldness.

Causes Of Hair Thinning

Hair thinning can occur due to a variety of reasons. Here are the four major causes behind this extremely common hair condition.

  • Age:As we age, hair follicles become weaker and thinner, resulting in a great loss of hair density.
  • Hormonal Conditions:Hormonal changes in the body often lead the road to hair thinning and, subsequently hair fall.
  • Overtreating Hair:Hair treatments such as colouring or straightening often contain harsh chemicals that damage hair and result in thinning.
  • Underlying Medical Conditions:Medical conditions like autoimmune diseases, certain deficiencies or disorders can lead to hair thinning.

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Types Of Hair Thinning

Telogen Effluvium

This is sudden or rapid hair thinning caused by excessive stress. This type of hair thinning can be resolved without much treatment by reducing stress levels and choosing a healthy and vibrant lifestyle.


Trichotillomania is a condition where individuals deal with their negative feelings by pulling out their hair. This can be treated with professional hair treatments to recover the loss of hair and habit reversal training.

Male Pattern Thinning

Caused by genetics or hormones, Male Pattern Thinning lasts for a very long time, extending up to years, and usually requires proper treatments to restore the original volume of hair.

Female Pattern Thinning

Similar to Male Pattern Thinning, this type of hair thinning is also a result of heredity or hormones. With professional treatments, it is possible to reverse this condition to the original density.

Treatment Options For Hair Thinning At VCare

  • Non-surgical options: Our non-surgical options include Hair Revive Therapy, PBS Hair Growth Therapy, Biocell, Follitreat, and Clinical Hair Revival Therapy. These treatments are extremely effective and are powerful enough to reverse serious conditions like baldness.
  • Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment: This treatment uses the body’s regenerative powers to channel them into rapid hair growth. At VCare, our highly advanced techniques make our PRP treatments safer and more effective than the rest.
  • Homecare Kits: VCare’s homecare kits are an exclusive option that allows individuals to experience professional treatments from their homes. Our kits target specific issues and come with a tailored treatment plan according to your conditions.
  • Surgical Options: Serious cases of hair thinning lead to baldness which requires advanced surgical options like hair transplants. VCare has a unique technique of hair transplantation, Activated Follicular Transplant, that is safer and more effective.

Before & After Results

Photos Of Actual Clients

Check out the real images of our clients before and after the sessions of Hair Thinning at VCare.

Hair Thinning treatment
Hair Thinning treatment
Hair Thinning treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, thinning hair can potentially grow back with the appropriate treatments and care. Addressing any underlying medical conditions or deficiencies, proper nutrition, and professional treatments will restore the original volume of your hair.

Good results can be expected in 3 to 6 months, but this depends completely on the individual, the reason behind hair thinning, and proper follow-up on your hair expert’s advice.

At VCare, we have various hair analysis methods like Trichoscan, Microscopy and Hair Mineral Analysis that will decode information on the hair like its density, the root cause of hair loss, the phase of hair growth and the presence of scalp infections.

No, VCare’s hair growth procedures are completely painless. Surgical procedures like Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) or hair transplants are carried out with advanced equipment that ensures they are safe and painless.

No, VCare’s hair growth treatments are formulated with premium ingredients and incorporate highly advanced technology that ensures that the treatment procedures come with no side effects yet deliver the best results.

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