Dark Circles

Infraorbital dark circles are generally not a cause of medical concern; however, they are aesthetically unpleasing for many individuals, particularly for women, and can occur across all age brackets.


Their aetiology is complex and multi-factorial, and there are numerous intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated with their occurrence. Visually, dark circles are characterized by differences in colour between the palpebral and surrounding areas of facial skin. The colour of the palpebral skin is strongly associated with intrinsic factors, such as an individual’s ethnic origin and genetics, including the amount and quality of melanin pigment in the skin.

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However, There Are Numerous Other Extrinsic And Lifestyle-Related Triggers, Including

  • Illness, Infections and Atopy and Allergies
  • Stress, Hormonal changes
  • Chronic irritation of the eye area, Eye strain
  • Exposure to UV light, Dehydration
  • Poor nutrition and Vitamin Deficiency
  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption & Smoking
  • Certain medicines, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and chemotherapy drugs
  • The anatomy of the eye area is complex and can also be a contributory factor

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We provide a range of acne scar treatments, including laser resurfacing, chemical peels, microneedling, dermal fillers, subcision, and fractional radiofrequency. The choice of treatment depends on the type and severity of your acne scars, as well as your skin type and individual needs.

The specific mechanisms vary depending on the treatment, but generally, acne scar treatments work by promoting collagen production, remodeling the skin's texture, reducing pigmentation, and stimulating skin rejuvenation. They help to smoothen the skin, diminish the appearance of scars, and restore a more even complexion.

The level of discomfort experienced during acne scar treatment can vary depending on the treatment modality and individual sensitivity. However, at VCare Skin Clinics, we prioritize your comfort and utilize various techniques to minimize any discomfort.

The number of sessions required for acne scar treatment depends on the severity of the scars, the chosen treatment modality, and individual factors. In some cases, significant improvement can be seen after a single session, while others may require multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve the desired results. During your consultation, our doctors will provide you with a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

For example, there is minimal infraorbital subcutaneous fat and the area is prone to blood stasis and oedema. In addition, the eye-lids have the thinnest skin of the face, and the bone structure and contour of the eye socket can lead to shadowing effects around the eye.
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