Magic Fairness Injection(MFI)

We all dream of having a glowing skin but due to the various external and internal factors it isn’t possible to achieve the desired skin tone. Skin complexion can be reversed with the help of Modern technologies and advance treatments. VCare has an advanced solution to make what is impossible with the help of technological advancement and world class experienced doctors. As a result everyone can experience their dream to a reality.

VCare’s Magic Fairness Injection (MFI) has been shown to improve skin tone& help prevent fine lines, dark spots & other signs of aging. Glutathione not only lightens the skin, it helps minimize and prevent dark marks, scars and age spots, especially when added to our anti-aging IV hydration treatment. Glutathione also detoxifies the liver, which results in brighter, clearer skin.

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Benefits Of Magic Fairness Injection

  • Healthier and glowing skin
  • Exfoliates and revitalizes the skin
  • Clears uneven skin tone and complexion
  • It supports the immune system
  • Regenerates vitamins C and E

Before & After Results

Photos Of Actual Clients

Check out the real images of our clients before and after the sessions of Magic Fairness Injection Treatment at VCare.

Magic Fairness Injection
Magic Fairness Injection
Magic Fairness Injection

Frequently Asked Questions

Studies show eating or drinking glutathione supplements is not an effective way of increasing your blood levels of glutathione.

Glutathione IV infusion bypasses your digestive tract and delivers the powerful antioxidant directly to your bloodstream where it can do the most good. High levels of glutathione in your blood are carried to your brain, heart, lungs, muscle tissue and everywhere in your body so your cells can benefit from glutathione’s detoxifying and protective properties.

The best way to ensure you’re getting maximum absorption and the full benefits of glutathione is with an IV infusion.

Eating plenty of fresh, organic produce & non-procesed meats can help increase glutathione levels.

Glutathione is naturally made in cells, but requires a strict diet high in certain vitamins for efficient formation.

Some foods and supplements that boost the formation of glutathione are:

Foods rich in Vitamins B6, B9, B12 & biotin

Foods rich in Vitamin C & E

Milk thistle

Whey protein

Sulfurous foods

Glutathione is not easily absorbed from food sources. However some foods high in sulfurous amino acids may help increase glutathione levels:



Broccoli and Cauliflower

Garlic and Onions

Spinach and Kale

Non-processed meat

An organic diet with abundant fresh produce can help your body produce more glutathione. But even an ideal diet may not be processed and absorbed ideally in the digestive system.

The best and fastest way to be sure you’re absorbing and benefiting glutathione is by skipping the digestive tract altogether and getting glutathione IV infusions at VCARE

Glutathione & vitamin C

Glutathione and vitamin C (ascorbic acid) are both strong and versatile antioxidants helping your body neutralize toxins and other oxidizing agents and protecting your cells. Glutathione and vitamin C also interact with each other in beneficial ways. Vitamin C helps maintain glutathione levels in the body, and glutathione transforms oxidized dehydroascorbate (oxidized ascorbic acid) back into its active form.

Vitamin C can help improve glutathione levels by sharing the job of attacking free radicals, leaving more glutathione available. Not only do vitamin C and glutathione both work to neutralize free radicals, they seem to “help” each do their jobs better.

One study found vitamin C supplements increase glutathione levels in human lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell found in the lymphatic system).

A different study tracked glutathione levels measured in red blood cells and found that adults taking at least 500 mg of vitamin C supplements daily had almost 50% higher glutathione levels.10

Glutathione can be made by the body, while vitamin C cannot. Supplementing your diet with intravenous glutathione and vitamin C may help maximize the benefits from both nutrients.

There’s good reason to believe that increasing glutathione levels can result in fewer acne lesions. In a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, they found low glutathione levels were associated with increased likelihood of having acne-prone skin.

Melanin is the pigment that causes your skin to become tan when exposed to sunlight. It can also cause scars to be darker than the surrounding skin. Because glutathione IV treatments can inhibit melanin production and lighten skin tone, they can help fade darker areas such as acne scars or other types of hyperpigmentation.

Glutathione is crucial for cellular detoxification of free radicals throughout the body, including brain cells. The brain needs lots of oxygen to function optimally, which means it produces a lot of free radicals. This makes the brain particularly susceptible to oxidative damage.11 Glutathione deficiency weakens your brain’s natural defenses against oxidative stress. Maintaining sufficient glutathione levels flushes away free radicals and supports brain function.

Your brain is made up of more than 70% water and can’t function properly when dehydrated. Our Brain Boost IV treatment with rehydrating fluids, essential nutrients and a glutathione add-on boost will help keep your brain balanced, focused and energized.

People diagnosed with depression, OCD, ADHD and schizophrenia have low glutathione levels. Many of the drugs prescribed to treat bipolar disorder work by boosting levels of glutathione in the cells.

Glutathione has also been shown to help reduce oxidative stress. Stress is a major symptom and contributing factor in many mental health imbalances. Recent research shows glutathione is a promising treatment for improving the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders.

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