Hair Care

Hair Care - Top 8 Trending Myths Busted

Published on January 19 2022 | By Dharani Senthilkumar


Hair care is becoming more of an emotional attribute in our lives. A minor defect in hair will cause the biggest frown easily. And very often, we go by rules and myths to protect hair that never even justifies the “Why”!

Check out the top 8 hair care phrases you would have come across and understand if these are right all these days.

Plucking Grey Hairs Make Too Many More Grow In Their Place

No, it doesn’t work that way. Only one hair grows per follicle, and plucking grey hair will never cause more hair to grow in turn.

A grey hair occurs when the cells that produce pigment die and no longer push out dark hair. So unless and until other hair follicles turn grey, there’s no fear of this myth.

Trimming Your Hair More Often Helps It Grow Quickly

Trimming regularly is important as it is essential to let go of split ends and ensure healthier looking hair. Hair growth depends totally on the hair follicle health, and that doesn’t have anything to do with trimming the ends.

Women usually prefer cutting to avoid hair breakages. When there are no split ends, the hair grows longer in a shorter period.

Brush Your Hair Often To Maintain Texture

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Absolutely Not! Brushing too often has a high risk of damaging the hair shaft as more pressure is laid on the hair by pulling it repeatedly. The purpose of brushing should be to detangle the hair, so it is necessary to do in the right way.

The goal of brushing is to remove the oil on the scalp and spread it evenly across the hair, making it look even healthier and shinier. So make sure brushing is not done too often to avoid hair loss.

Tight Plaits Will Make Your Hair Stronger

Braids help to maintain tangle-free hair. This is a suitable hairstyle when in sleep as the friction against the pillow is less. But make sure not to wear too tight braids as it will cause breakage in the hair and a condition called traction alopecia.

Traction alopecia will cause a receding hairline due to constant pressure exerted on the hair. So avoid wearing tight braids and keep them loose.

Heat Applicators On Wet Hair Can Further Dry Up The Hair

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Styling products are a great way to keep you going with the trends. But the damages it leaves if not appropriately practised is harder to reverse. When your hair is wet, always prefer air drying or patting with a towel. Too hot applicators can easily cause hair breakage, especially when dripping wet.

Tying Wet Hair Will Damage The Hair

This is a big no-no. The hair appears to be fragile when in a wet state. Pulling them to a ponytail or braiding has a high chance to cause damage to the root itself. So why would you risk losing your hair by doing this? Stop tying your hair while it’s wet from now on.

Overexposure Of Hair To The Sun Cause Baldness

A small amount of vitamin D is always essential. But when it exceeds the limit, there are chances that the hair shaft can get damaged, and worst case, even the scalp’s cellular activity disrupts.

And in places of thinning hair, more exposure can worsen the visibility. Make sure to wear sunscreen or protect the scalp from sunlight at all instances.

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Tying it too tight? Yes, it will damage your hair. Generally, sleeping with loose hair has two possibilities: it gets tangled or becomes frizzy by losing its texture. Similarly, if you are braiding it, it is advised to keep it really loose.

Feeling clear enough to follow the proper hair care routine? Now drop any further queries or concerns at +91 9840234023 or book a consultation with VCare Hair and Skin clinics now!

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