Hair Health

Hair Health - Simple Lifestyle Habits For Wonders


1. Nutritional Deficiency

A well-balanced diet towards healthy and long hair is necessary. With the essential minerals, proteins and vitamins, one’s hair naturally shines as their confidence. To sum up, eating foods rich in nutrition goes a long way towards protecting one’s hair in terms of quality and quantity.

2. Emotional Trauma


With the current changes in the lifestyle, one’s bound to take in additional stress. Likewise, one must also change their habits – avoid smoking and consuming harmful materials, engage in mediation, and de-stress to the fullest extent to restore hormonal balance.

3. Hormonal Changes


When one passes from one stage to the other in their life, the hormonal levels in their body will alternate. As the levels change, it has an impact on their physical and mental health. To avoid this situation, one has to de-stress, engage in a nutritional diet, and mediate.

4. Traction Alopecia


Traction alopecia is caused due to the pulling force applied to the hair. This commonly results in hair loss in a particular region as it involves the application of more force to the hair. Avoid hairstyles that are tight to the scalp and cause harm to the follicles.

Tips To Improve Hair Health

Here are a few good habits for healthy hair without using chemicals.

1. Enrich Diet With Protein


It is crucial to have a rich nutritious diet to keep the hair healthy. To ensure the hair is long, thick, and lustrous, the consumption of various minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids are necessary to improve the hair’s health.

2. Scalp Massage With Essential Oils


Consult your doctor and understand the underlying issue of your hair loss. Apply natural oils on your scalp to promote and facilitate quality growth.

3. Keep Yourself Hydrated


A hydrated body stays away from various illnesses. Water comes to the rescue! It is crucial to keep the hair shaft hydrated. Drink eight cups a day and keep your water levels high.

4. Know What Is Bad For Your Hair


Know the good and bad for your hair and scalp. There are various do’s and don’ts that one must follow. Visit VCare, the best hair care clinic to receive carefully curated steps for your hair that will help you in the long run.

5. Physical Activity


Engage yourself in physical activity and mediation to keep your physical and mental health at a high level. It is imperative to understand that one’s emotion has a direct impact on the quality of hair. Do not over-exert and engage in strenuous activities. Keep yourself occupied and healthy.

6. De-stress


With times evolving and the advancement of technology, everyone is out there to throw themselves in the pool of stress. Stress leads to hormonal imbalance, which has a terrible impact on the growth and health of your hair. Learn a new hobby, enhance your skillset, de-stress yourself from all the negative energy to keep yourself healthy.

7. Avoid Constant Heating And Drying


Avoid artificial machinery equipment direct usage on your hair. The strands are delicate, and they deserve to be treated with the utmost care. Harsh chemicals and excess heat on your hair’s surface cause it to get brittle and weak, thereby increasing breakage and hair loss.

8. Change How You Style Your Hair


Avoid harsh hairstyles that cause harm to your roots and follicles. Tight ponytails, hard hair bands, and multiple braids weaken the roots and cause scalp abnormalities. This results in severe hair fall.

While VCare has provided points on “Why” hair fall is caused and various ways to tackle the issue naturally, we do insist on regular check-ups. One must understand that in stressful times like this, one is bound to take the pressure. With that being said, schedule an appointment with VCare’s hair treatment experts cause We Care for Your Hair. Our wide array of experts will curate the best solutions for your unique hair.

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