Platelet - Rich Plasma

Treatment For Hair Thinning And Diffused Hair Loss

Published on January 05 2022 | By Dharani Senthilkumar


What Is Platelet Rich Plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma is an effective procedure that responds well to people facing hair fall concerns performed by various trichologists worldwide. It is an advanced procedure that involves,

  • Extraction of blood from the client
  • Separating the rich platelets that will be suitable for the procedure
  • Activating the platelets through a relevant combination that works best for the client’s concerns
  • Injecting the infused platelets into the scalp

As more accessible as it may sound, it also comes without any side effects. And the downtime is also not much, so the treatment is now a go-to solution to people facing hair loss issues.

While hair loss can happen for various reasons, PRP treatment for hair is a special procedure to treat people facing a thinning hairline and hair fall due to diffused hair loss.

Hair Thinning

biocell treatment

Hair thinning is a condition where the hair density appears thinning, making the scalp visible. It is not accurately a condition of alopecia. But if left untreated at its initial phase, there are possibilities that it may lead to baldness.

Causes Of Hair Thinning

  • Hereditary patterns
  • Improper lifestyle habits like overheating the hair, using too much styling products, bleaching and not taking adequate care of the hair
  • Hormonal imbalance due to poor nutrition, medications, postpartum period etc.
  • Handling too much stress can trigger hormones too

Diffused Hair Loss

Diffused hair loss or telogen effluvium is when a person may experience severe hair loss, affecting the entire scalp area. Usually, diffused hair loss is reversible if the issue causing the hair fall is identified. And may require special attention only when the issue is left longstanding and not treated.

A person with diffused hair fall may notice a reduced hair density, and because of which the scalp is visible. Moreover, hair shedding that exceeds the average 50-100 shed count per day.

Causes Of Diffused Hair Loss

  • Sudden Hormonal fluctuations
  • Severe stress conditions due to losing a loved one, family pressures, hectic work or personal life. A sudden trigger to the body can hamper the growth as the body reacts to the signals of mental and physical pressures.
  • Recovering from a traumatic injury or illness
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • The effects of medications taken post-surgery or an illness
  • Severe scalp disorders like dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis

It is also vital to remember that PRP for hair loss is an activation procedure that will enhance the hair follicles and thicken the hair shaft in thinning areas. Further, if you face bald spots where the hair follicles have entirely lost their time, an activated follicular transplant may be suggested to generate new hair growth.

How Platelet Rich Plasma Works?

biocell treatment
  • The client’s blood profile will be analyzed
  • A minimum of 20 ml will be drawn from the client’s arm and collected via a unique PRP test tube
  • The collected blood samples will be kept in the centrifugation machine and segregated for the viable platelets
  • Once segregated, the platelet-rich plasma will be injected into the scalp within 45 minutes after applying topical anaesthesia.

Side Effects

After completing the session, there are no significant side effects as it only involves one’s own blood in the procedure. After that, a minor itching sensation is possible on the scalp, which will be normal in a day or two.


VCare, with its advanced hair technology, is the best hair clinic for PRP treatment offering the best possible solutions to any hair fall issues. One such is PRP hair treatment. To sum up, do visit your nearest clinic if you face hair fall troubles or call us at +91 9840234023 and receive the finest hair care.

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