Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Pros and Cons of Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Published on January 24, 2023 | By Admin


Are you considering taking up laser hair removal treatment to get rid of body hair? Then, you must weigh the pros and cons of laser hair removal to know if it will work out for you. Go through this blog to get an idea of the same. 

Setting up multiple appointments for waxing every month and buying numerous razors would have exhausted you. And it goes without saying that the pain, the cuts, the costs, and so much more you would have endured for hair removal is huge.

If you are looking for a perfect solution to get rid of unwanted body hair and planning to take up laser hair removal treatment, then you have made the right decision. The following blog will give you an idea of the pros and cons of laser hair removal treatment. 

How Does Laser Hair Removal Treatment Work?

Laser hair removal treatment makes use of laser light, which penetrates into the skin, destroying hair cells from the roots. This leads to the reduction of unwanted hair growth permanently. Laser hair removal is a completely non-invasive procedure and is painless. Laser hair removal leaves you with a smooth and flawless appearance.

Pros of Laser Hair Removal Treatment

1. Highly effective

There is nothing better than laser hair removal treatment for getting unwanted body hair. Compared to waxing and shaving, laser hair removal is extremely effective as it destroys the hair follicles from the roots. This tapers down the hair follicles’ ability to cause the growth of hair, and after a while, the hair growth is prevented permanently.

2. Long-term solution

Waxing and shaving seem like an endless chore that consumes a lot of energy and time. Laser hair removal will take a few sessions and provides a long-term and permanent solution as the hair is destroyed from within and doesn’t grow back immediately.

3. A painless solution

Waxing is easy, said no one ever. Waxing comes with great pain. In looking for an alternative solution, shaving comes with the struggles of cuts and coarse hair growth as well. To find the best alternative, there is nothing better than laser hair removal treatment. This is one of the best points to remember when considering the pros and cons of laser hair removal.

4.No ingrown hair

You would have often noticed that when you shave off the unwanted hair, you develop a blob or pimple-like structure on your skin. This is because of the ingrown hair on your body. These blobs can be painful. When you take laser hair removal procedures for removing unwanted hair, you do not face the issue of ingrown hair.

5. Performed by professionals

One of the greatest pros to keep in mind when analysing the pros and cons of laser hair removal is that the laser hair removal procedure is performed by dermatologists and professionals. These professionals know how to carry out this procedure safely without causing harm to the skin.

6. Extremely precise and neat

Losing out patches of hair here and there is a very common phenomenon when it comes to waxing and shaving. In laser hair removal procedures, professionals do not miss out on patches of hair. When you undergo a laser hair removal procedure, you can be assured that your skin will be left neat and flawless.

7. Goes easy on the skin

Dermatologists themselves suggest laser hair removal treatment as it is found to go easy on the skin and is a healthy alternative in comparison to waxing which causes abrasion and does more harm than you can imagine to your skin. When thinking about the pros and cons of laser hair removal, just remember that laser hair removal is dermatologically prescribed.

Cons of laser hair removal treatment

1. Multiple sessions

Laser hair removal shows good results even after the first session. But to completely stop the growth of hair, you need to take up multiple sessions. Typically, it would take 3 to 6 sessions, and it depends on the hair growth and skin type of each individual. Take this into account when you weigh the pros and cons of laser hair removal treatment.  

2. Consistency is vital

When taking laser hair removal treatment consistency is of extreme importance, and this is a notable thing to keep in mind when considering laser hair removal treatment. After you take a session, if you do not take the next session of laser hair removal treatment as prescribed by the doctor, then you will mess up the efficiency of the procedure.

3. Costlier than other means

Laser hair removal costs an optimum price per session in comparison to waxing and shaving. Although when you compare in the longer run, you will find it cost-effective as in laser hair removal, you will be done with a few sessions and get a permanent solution for the hair growth.

4. Medical Conditions Need Assistance.

If you have a medical condition that contributes to hirsutism, then laser hair removal treatment alone won’t hold well or help you in getting rid of unwanted hair. You also need to take medications and carry out other things as subscribed by the doctors and get a holistic treatment to prevent the growth of unwanted hair.

5. Proper Assistance is Pivotal.

It goes without saying that proper care and assistance are pivotal when it comes to dermatologists’ prescribed aesthetic procedures. Only seek out the best and most experienced professionals who will provide the right treatment, care and support while undergoing laser hair removal treatment.


Now that you have understood the great benefits of laser hair removal and the pros and cons of laser hair removal go ahead and book your appointment. If you want to get the best of the services, then VCare is the right place for you. VCare has adapted world-class laser procedures. VCare makes use of FDA-approved equipment and treatments. Contact us or leave a comment below to book an appointment. 

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