Scalp Psoriasis Vs Dandruff

Published on May 14 2022 | By Dharani Senthilkumar


Dandruff and scalp psoriasis is often confused with being called the same. But the truth is that scalp psoriasis is a much more severe condition than dandruff.

Psoriasis appears as raised red patches on the skin, which causes itching and a burning sensation. Not necessarily; these silvery scales have to be only on the scalp. Psoriasis can also be seen on the elbows, back, skin folds, eyelids, hands and feet, genital regions.

But if you are prone to scalp psoriasis, the infection may spread to the back of your neck, behind the ears, and forehead. In the worse case of the condition, it may spread to other body regions. The good thing is that Psoriasis is not contagious, and you cannot catch the disease from another person having it.

Dandruff is a much more common condition that affects almost 80-90% of the population. It starts as dry flakes shedding on your shoulders while you scratch your head. When this condition worsens, traces of flakes will be visible behind the ears, hairline, and forehead.

Dandruff is neither communicable nor an infection. Yes. You cannot get dandruff from another person or even share the same pillow.

Symptoms Of Dandruff


Dandruff may appear as

  • Greasy white flakes on the scalp
  • Itchy dry scales on the scalp
  • Yellowish flakes or red bumps in worst cases
  • Irritated and oily skin
  • Shedding of flakes in shoulder areas, eyebrows, and hairline

Dandruff, unlike Psoriasis, is always treatable with appropriate care and under the guidance of experts. But before all that, isn’t it best to know the causes and be a little more cautious to prevent it from happening.

But if dandruff is left untreated, it can worsen and develop into a condition of seborrheic dermatitis. Check out the extensive blog on the causes and the effective treatments we offer for dandruff treatment.

Symptoms Of Psoriasis


It could be scalp psoriasis if one is experiencing,

  • Excessively cracked skin or dry spots
  • Raised red or silvery skin patches on the scalp (spreads to elbows, knees, skin folds, etc.)
  • Itching, bleeding, and burning patches of flakes
  • Swollen and painful joints

How To Prevent Dandruff?

Hair treatment for dandruff is always possible with the proper medications and hair care practices. Though over counter medications and shampoo options are available. It is good to consult with a doctor and make yourself aware of the possible lifestyle changes.

How To Prevent Psoriasis?

An even more severe condition, Psoriasis requires special attention with topical and consumable medicines. Since this condition is auto-immune and prone to being with the infected person for a more prolonged period, adequate maintenance is always inevitable.


Better late than never will never work in conditions like dandruff or Psoriasis. When you suspect symptoms, consult our doctors for dandruff treatment immediately and avail yourself of our advanced hair fall treatment. To book a consultation, call our hair care clinic at +91 9840234023

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