The Perfect Skincare Routine For Oily Skin

The Perfect Skincare Routine For Oily Skin

Published on July 16, 2022 | By Dharani Senthilkumar


What sparks your mind when someone talks about “Skincare routine”? While many of you would consider it unnecessary, knowing the benefits would help you make a wiser decision.

The skin is the largest organ in the body. It is the protective layer that acts as a wall to the internal organs and prevents the invasion of germs while maintaining the body temperature.

All along with your life, right from being an infant to becoming an adult, the skin change speaks a lot about your health and appearance.

People may carry different skin tones and textures. Be it dry skin, combination skin, or oily skin, every skin deserves to be treated in a way that will pamper and nourish what you have.

Of all the skin types and textures, oily or oily-acne-prone skin is the one that needs utmost care and attention. As too much sebum is naturally present in the skin, the chances of skin being affected by dirt and bacteria can negatively influence the skin.

How To Know If You Have Oily Skin?

You may have oily or oily acne-prone skin if you witness a greasy texture in your T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin).

In this blog, let us clearly understand how to maintain oily skin so there won’t be any skin concerns.

So don’t you think it is essential to extend proper care to the skin?

Here’s how you could take better care of your oily skin.

Follow A Proper Skincare Routine

When we say skincare routine, it is just not cleansing your face with sulfate-free-comedogenic cleansers but also following up with a gentle toner. Toners help to unclog pores and make your tones skin evenly. Salicylic acid and tea tree toners are a good pick for oily skin.

Choose a moisturizer that will be suitable for your oily skin. As some moisturizers may trigger acne responses, go with a gentle one. In addition, wear a good amount of sunscreen, preferably SPF15 or higher, to protect the skin from sunlight and other artificial lights.

A similar routine should be followed at night except for applying sunscreen.

Wash Your Face At Regular Intervals

Washing your face now and then is a better way to keep your face clean and free from dirt. People with oily skin tend to feel greasy quickly; washing it will help make you fresh. But also be cautious not to strip out excess oil, making the skin even drier. 2-3 times a day is considered ideal for oily skin people.

If this makes your face dry, blotting papers can also help care for the excess oil.

Remove Your Makeup Properly

Be cautious enough to remove makeup before sleeping. The ingredients in makeup can clog pores which will irritate the skin. Also, people with oily acne-prone skin should be careful enough to choose makeup products that are gentle and free from irritants.


There is no wrong in setting timely alarms to drink your water. Because that is how important it is to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Drinking a sufficient amount of water on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up will be a Kickstarter to your day’s routine. A whole-body boost you never expected happens as you flush out all the toxins in the body.

People with oily skin can feel heavy in the middle of the day. Still, following these simple skin care tips and routines, you may not have to worry about skin being greasy with acne.

Also, this routine does not promise you acne-free skin. On the contrary, you may experience better skin that may prevent the occurrence of acne.

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