Tips To Maintain Beard For The Perfect Grooming

Tips To Maintain Beard For The Perfect Grooming

Published on November 24 2021 | By Dharani Senthilkumar



Have you ever heard this saying, “Too many cooks spoil the broth”? If you have, probably this blog highlighting the tips to maintain a beard will make things more user friendly. No doubt men are more concerned about beard health, beard growth tips, maintaining it, showing it off in style and many more. But in the course of doing so, they forget a lot more.

By overpouring attention in the form of excessive chemical cleansers, oils, frequent shaving, and others, they start facing damage.

Let me make it even more understandable by breaking down the beard problems and solutions.

Dont’s To Beard Management

#1 Don’t Reverse Shave

The reason behind it is that shaving against the grain may feel more effortless and comfortable. But in reality, it has high chances of ingrown hair, razor bumps and irritation. Though the hair growth may be more, the impact it leaves on the skin is adverse.

#2 Don’t Use Excessive Beard Oils

Beard oils vouch for the volume and health of the beard. And sometimes even production of new beard hair. You need to know that choosing the beard oil with the proper ingredient mix is vital to achieving what you desire.

Certain beard oils contain ingredients that act as a suppressant for testosterone. But testosterone boost is much needed for hair growth. Use beard oils infused with essential oils and micronutrients like biotin, vitamin B, selenium, calcium, and magnesium. Never use hair oil to nourish your beard.

biocell treatment

#3 Don’t Use Cold Water For Prep

Using cold water after shaving may help free from burning sensation or inflammation but not before. So always use hot water or pat with a hot towel before shaving followed by a lubricant application. Hot water or heat in the towel will make the region softer and opens up. Oil-based or the one which has high fat is preferable for an easy shave. This will ensure a smooth shave free from burns and irritations.

#4 Don’t Skip The Post-shave Routine

Once after shaving, never skip a post-shave procedure. Post-shaving, it is advisable to apply a cooling agent. Washing the face with cold water helps tighten pores and further follow up with applying either aloe vera or any gel that will give you a calming effect.

Effective Tips To Maintain Beard

Here’s a list of effective beard growth tips!

No matter how many innovations evolve, this good old saying, “You are what you eat”, will never lose its charm. So consume foods like sorghum, protein-rich meat, eggs, raisins and nuts, fish, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, calcium-rich dairy products. Any food rich in iron, calcium, protein, selenium, zinc, biotin, magnesium should be consumed. As always, there are many supplement options available that are safe to be taken.

biocell treatment

Irrespective of people with a beard, choosing the proper mask is a necessity. While wearing a mask, there is close contact between the mask and beard hair. This will cause more sweat. The dampness, if persists, will allow the microorganisms to grow in the region. So if a disposable mask is used for beard maintenance, it is necessary to change the mask regularly. If a cloth mask is being used, it has to be washed regularly.

Also, using chemical-free cleansers and lotions during pre-shave and post-shave can avoid allergies and itching.

If there is more hair, there might be sweating, irritations and itching. For this purpose, one can do shaving and trimming periodically but not for expecting new hair stimulation.


As simple as these may sound, putting them to practice daily will make you wonder what you were missing all these days to get your desired healthy beard. But never skip the first step in the maintenance routine.

VCare offers right on solutions to any beard related problems. Reach out to us for queries at +91 9840234023 or to book a consultation with our experts.

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