Will Excessive Workout Cause Acne?

Will Excessive Workout Cause Acne?

Published on July 29, 2022 | By Dharani Senthilkumar


Workouts are now an integral part of most of our daily routines. This is because people are more into being fit and healthy to be healthfully wealthy. This is essential considering the food we eat and how we live.

Now, we tend to sweat a lot while working out, and our muscles ache due to strenuous training. While the muscle ache will reduce gradually, the sweat and the effects it leaves post-workout are unwelcoming for some.

Will Workout Cause Acne?

Sweating while working out or even while involved in any physical activity will cause an accumulation of dirt and bacteria on the skin. When this dirt clogs the pores, acne occurs.

It is not the exercise and sweat causing acne or skin concerns, but the hygiene and skincare routine that we miss adhering to.


Though exercising carries many other benefits like healthy blood flow to the skin, strengthening the core, and overall wellness, following the best skin care practices is necessary and will help us deal with acne.

To the skin, working out regularly poses immense benefits. By including workouts as part of our daily routine, the skin gets healthier and glows in awe. In addition, cell renewal happens since there is a rapid increase in blood supply to the skin cells. This encourages a better glow, boosts collagen production, and improves the skin’s texture.

It’s just like two sides of the same coin. So if we follow it correctly by maintaining the right pre-workout and post-workout routine, we could battle the challenges ultimately.

Steps To Prevent Acne From Workout

Here are some key pointers which we should be following to protect our skin:


Clear Sweat Now And Then

We should always be keen on wiping off the sweat as we work out. Use a clean towel to dry the skin and free it from the accumulation of dirt and bacteria in the pores.

This is an essential step for acne-prone skin that will not aggravate the condition. Even though we work out with our best friend or partner, it is good not to share a common towel. Better to carry our own towel to wipe off the sweat and remain clean so that our skin does not get any issues.

Be Cautious With Makeup

Working out or sweating with makeup never makes a good combination. Know why? While makeup should be removed after some time as it can cause damage to the skin, imagine the effects it would leave when combined with sweat. So removing makeup before a workout is good for the skin.

Refrain From Touching Your Skin With Bare Hands

Touching or rubbing the face with our bare hands while working out is a big no. This is because the sweat or bacteria that stay on the workout equipment when it comes in direct contact with the skin can cause an allergic reaction to the skin.


Wear Breathable Clothes

The clothes we wear while we work out play an important role. Tight-fitting clothes or fabrics that will probably irritate the skin should be avoided. Instead, a gentle breathing fabric should be worn while exercising. So that the moisture does not get clogged or trapped, which can bring unwanted skin allergies or fungal issues.

Make Sure To Shower After Workout

Bathing as soon as we workout is the best way to evade all the bacteria trapped in us. Not only will we be fresh, but it also restricts the yeast from growing and causing acne troubles.

Step Out With Sunscreen

Walking, jogging, or any outdoor physical activity demands a moisturizer backed by proper sunscreen to prevent sun damage. We can wear SPF 15 or higher before stepping out in the sun. Reapplying it once in 3 hours is also the best way if necessary.

These are some of the ways by which we can keep our skin hail and healthy before working out, as we work out, and post-workout. By adapting to these simple practices, we may experience the skin’s glow at its complete and never worry about acne.

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