Hair Loss In Women

We can never deny the fact that for women hair is an indispensable and inseparable part of their armour of charm and beauty. So, women take hair loss as a serious threat to their looks and the impressions they make on people around.

There is a heavy amount of psychological sickness behind hair loss in women. Women place a greater emphasis than men on physical appearances and outward attractiveness.

Societal norms dictate that hair is an essential part of a woman’s sexuality and gender identity and any hair loss generates feelings of low self-esteem and anxiety from a perception of diminished attractiveness. Women are more likely than men to have a lowered quality of life and to restrict social contacts as a result of hair loss.

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Treatment and Solutions at VCare Hair Clinic

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) has emerged as the preferred term for androgenetic alopecia in females owing to the uncertain relationship between androgens and this entity. It is characterised by a reduction in hair density over the crown and frontal scalp with retention of the frontal hairline.

  • The reasons for female pattern baldness have not been well understood, but they may be related to:
  • Aging
  • Changes in the levels of androgens (male hormones). For example, after reaching menopause, many women find that the hair on their head is thinner, while the hair on their face is coarser.
  • Family history of male or female pattern baldness
  • Post pregnancy hair loss

Like a garden, a normal hair cycle should lead to a product, which is the hair. Growth cycles are important because when they go awry, that is one of the reasons we have hair loss." Hair loss is always subjective irrespective of gender. Being your best self can never go out of style, be it, men or women.

Treatment and Solutions at VCare Hair Clinic

Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) has emerged as the preferred term for androgenetic alopecia in females owing to the uncertain relationship between androgens and this entity. It is characterised by a reduction in hair density over the crown and frontal scalp with retention of the frontal hairline.

  • The reasons for female pattern baldness have not been well understood, but they may be related to:
  • Aging
  • Changes in the levels of androgens (male hormones). For example, after reaching menopause, many women find that the hair on their head is thinner, while the hair on their face is coarser.
  • Family history of male or female pattern baldness
  • Post pregnancy hair loss

Like a garden, a normal hair cycle should lead to a product, which is the hair. Growth cycles are important because when they go awry, that is one of the reasons we have hair loss." Hair loss is always subjective irrespective of gender. Being your best self can never go out of style, be it, men or women.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hair loss in men is primarily caused by male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. This condition is mainly attributed to genetic factors and hormonal imbalances, particularly the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which leads to shrinking hair follicles and eventual hair loss. Other factors such as stress, poor nutrition, certain medications, and underlying medical conditions can also contribute to hair loss in men.

Vitamin deficiency, particularly deficiency in vitamin D, vitamin B12, and iron, can contribute to hair loss. These vitamins are crucial in maintaining healthy hair follicles and promoting hair growth. Lack of adequate levels of these vitamins in the body can lead to weakened hair follicles, increased hair shedding, and, ultimately, hair loss.

To prevent hair fall in males, addressing underlying factors contributing to hair loss is essential. This includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, managing stress levels, avoiding harsh hair treatments, and using gentle hair care products. Additionally, seeking medical advice from a dermatologist or trichologist can help identify any underlying medical conditions and explore appropriate treatment options such as topical medications, oral supplements, or advanced hair restoration therapies.

Consuming a balanced diet with nutrient-rich foods can help prevent hair loss. Foods high in vitamins, minerals, and proteins, such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, lean meats, and fruits, can promote hair health and minimise hair loss. Additionally, incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and biotin can support hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.

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