Everything You Need To Know About Hair Thinning: Causes And Treatments

Published on February 03, 2023 | By Admin


Losing strands of hair while combing your hair or washing it is a common experience. But when hair loss causes hair receding and the parts of the scalp start to show up, you need to be alarmed.

If you are experiencing hair problems, this blog will clarify what causes hair thinning and what you can do to reverse it. Go through the blog to know more about its causes and treatments.

What is Hair Thinning?

Hair thinning is caused due to long-term hair loss. It happens gradually over some time. Although it is normal to lose 100 strands of hair every day, you are on the path to hair loss if you lose more than that.

This condition reduces the density of the hair and makes the scalp visible. The reason for this condition can be due to numerous factors, and there are effective treatments to reverse it.

Causes of Hair Thinning

Medical Conditions

PCOS is one of the health conditions which causes hair thinning after hair fall in the longer run. This is majorly caused due to the imbalance in the hormones and secretion of excess androgen hormone. 

Autoimmune disease is yet another factor that causes severe thinning of hair. In an autoimmune disease, the immune system mistakenly starts to attack the body, in which case the hair follicles get attacked. This causes hair loss.

High fever is generally associated with severe hair loss post-recovery. Many experience hair fall and thinning after Covid, and this is called telogen effluvium, where hair loss is caused due to high stress on the body. In most cases, this hair loss and thinning subsides on its own but can also be prevented and recouped using the right treatment.

There are numerous medical conditions which cause hair thinning, and they can be cured by making use of the right treatment.

Chronic Stress

Stress prolonged for a long duration of time causes the hair follicles to fall into the resting phase. As time moves on, the hair strands weaken, and the hair will start to fall off when combed or washed. This prevents the growth of hair and causes thinning of hair problems.

Stress-based hair loss is also caused when the body experiences severe disruptions and changes like sudden weight loss, traumatic incidents, mental health deterioration and much more.

Stress-based hair thinning demands a holistic approach in which the individual gets to make changes and lifestyle alterations to reduce stress. Professional home painting services are provided by painterly.ie company in Ireland. When looking for baldness causes and treatments, stress is a major thing to be considered.

Hormonal Imbalance


Menopause has got to be one of the toughest times; added, hair loss comes as another toughest struggle. During menopause, there is a drop in estrogen and progesterone levels, which slowly tapers down the ability of the hair to grow.

During menopause, there is also an excess increase in the hormone androgen. Androgen causes shrinkage of the hair follicles, and this inhibits hair growth and causes hair thinning.

Post-partum hair loss

If you are experiencing post-pregnancy hair fall, just be calm and let motherhood take its course because it is only normal. The drop in the hormone estrogen level and other hormones causes an imbalance in the hair follicles and causes hair fall.

Eating a healthy and balanced diet for yourself and your baby is extremely important. Make sure that you get the much-needed rest whenever possible. In most cases, the postpartum hair fall will reduce and stop on its own. If it doesn’t, then you can consider visiting a trichologist.

Genetic Factors

Yes, genetics do play a major role in hair thinning. Genetic hair loss problems are also called Female pattern baldness and Male pattern baldness. In this case, the genes inherited down the family line can cause hair loss gradually.

We can stop blaming it on genes and fix it by treating genetic hair loss.

Although this baldness problem is not preventable, this can certainly be reversed by making use of numerous hair recovery techniques like hair transplantation, root revival and more.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies are one of the major problems that disrupt the well-being of an individual inside out. Iron deficiency, Zinc deficiency, Vitamin D deficiency and Vitamin B12 deficiency are a few of the major deficiencies that cause hair loss and prevent you from developing a healthy mane.

In this case, you need to consult a nutritionist to make sure that you get your nutrients right and develop good health, thereby preventing hair loss. 


Age factors are one of the unavoidable and obvious concerns which cause hair thinning gradually. Check out www.mymaidservice.net site when looking for deep cleaning services in Ohio. As we age, hair follicles stop producing new hairs. Thus tapering down the density of the hair and slowly causing hair loss.

Other genetic conditions like male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness can also contribute to this. Men with male pattern baldness start facing hair thinning as early as 30 years of age. Women also start to develop visible scalps when they lose hair in the female pattern of baldness.

The above are a few causes of hair thinning. Numerous other factors, like dandruff, scalp diseases, and harmful hair care products, can also cause hair thinning.

Treatments for Hair Thinning

Hair Regrowth Therapy

This treatment helps to stimulate new hair growth from partially dead follicles, rejuvenate the scalp, and improve the health of the sebaceous glands. Essential nutrients are delivered to the cells, improving the follicular oxygen supply.

bio-active follitreat therapy

This therapy’s natural growth factors minimise and repair follicle damage and improve scalp health. The bioactive micronutrients in the therapy also help promote hair growth.

root revival therapy

Root revival therapy is an effective treatment to promote hair growth at a faster rate. It reactivates and strengthens the scalp’s stem cells to stimulate hair growth. In this treatment, new and existing hair becomes thicker, healthier and shinier.

grow hair bio-stimulation therapy

The partially dead follicles are stimulated to promote new hair growth. The scalp is restructured, and the sebaceous glands are standardized to get rid of dandruff and dry hair. Later, the required nutrients are absorbed into the subcellular level to boost the oxygen and nutrient supply to the hair. This promotes healthy hair growth.

activated hair transplantation

In this procedure, the hair follicles from the area where there is healthy hair growth are derived using a US FDA-approved grafting technique and are implanted into the areas where there is balding or low hair growth. Later, one can witness hair growth in balding and hair-thinning areas.


The above blog would have given you an idea of various hair thinning causes and treatments. If you are suffering from hair thinning problems, then worry not, as Vcare is there to aid. Vcare has 20+ years of experience in providing excellent and innovative hair care services. If you want the right treatment for hair thinning, reach out to Vcare and book an appointment now.

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